I do believe there is such thing as studying too much, which I am already approaching. Maybe I am worried that if I don't study every night, I won't be prepared and I will fail in what my professors first lectured, "Be PREPARED!".
Well, preparation is overwhelming.
Right now, classes don't seem to be way over my head, but I have had my days when I think to myself, "How did I ever get accepted into Graduate School....they obviously weren't aware of what I DIDN'T know!"
Along with questioning my intellect, I am also starting to get lonely. I do have a roommate, but we have such differing schedules we don't see much of each other, which makes it difficult to get to know each other, making for awkward evenings. Due to how busy I have been getting organized and studying, I haven't had much of a chance to

explore Lincoln. At this moment, it feels like I have been at a long, out of town conference.
Luckily, my classmates and I get along really well and we spend a lot of time together. I have been carpooling with a couple of the girls to class, which has helped build relationships.
Now, on a positive note...what I have seen of Lincoln has been very nice and a lot
of fun. The other graduate students took us 'babies' to dinner at Old Chicago at the Haymarket, which was a great way to see the area and socialize with the rest of our group. Hopefully, as time continues and I get into a rhythm, I will venture out and have more to say!
To ease the tension, the girls and I took a study break...

P.S. I may refer to my class as 'girls' but there is one guy, Alex/Al. He just got married and spends every moment with his wife so there probably won't be any pictures of him with us.
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