Friday, June 18, 2010


I recently found out in my Genetics class, that 1 in 20 kids are born not knowing their ACTUAL father. Meaning, their father at birth is not their biologic father. CRAZY! In fact, some students at Yale wanted to test this statistic and one of the them found out his DNA did not match to his father's DNA.

Yes, I asked my mom if there was any possibility of my genetic makeup belonging to some other male, but she denied that it was possible.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

My Ideal Summer

1. Lay by the pool sipping on Crystal Light's peach ice tea
2. Read for leisure
3. Go on a road trip
4. Vacation in Colorado- sitting on the porch at a cabin in the morning with the mountains in sight, reading, with a hot cup of coffee
5. Cook something adventurous
6. Frequent the farmer's market
7. Do absolutely nothing

I torture myself thinking about these things while I am in class, or in clinic all day, or working in a project.