Sorry, I realize it has been a long time since I last posted anything. Well rest assured, I will bring you up to speed!
I have been working everyday, which is why I haven't been keeping up with the blog. When I get home, I am so exhausted that I eat dinner and go to bed. While working, Dillon and I have done some fun and crazy things! Over the 4th of July, I worked at the Lake of the Ozarks, watching Dillon. We went to Big Surf, the waterpark, mini golf, looked at the million dollar boats at Port Arrowhead, watched movies, and on. The most exciting thing we did was something called, "Downhill Ruckus".

We dove into a huge plastic ball, filled with a little water, and rolled down a hill in it.

I'm not sure if you call this bravery or stupidity! I was very apprehensive about this adventure, but was reassured by Dillon that when he did it before, they were harnessed in. Well, naturally, the ball with the harnesses was sent to Germany for maintenance which meant we had to ride in the one with water and NO harness! That should have been the first red flag, the second should have been when I heard there were only 6 of these in the world. Luckily, we made it out safely, but toward the end of our ride, I started to panic due to the increasing speed, very small space, and Dillon on my lap. Then, the ball runs into a wall to stop it which means your head goes under water briefly, but unexpectedly. On top of all of this, my swimsuit top malfunctioned and Dillon made evident that he noticed. Lets just say it was quite an experience, but one I don't ever care to repeat! Dillon LOVED it though...

We went out on the boat

to watch the fireworks on the 4th, but fought with the weather. It was actually pretty nice as we were leaving the dock, but right after the firework show ended,

the rain started pouring and we were caught in a thunderstorm. It was pretty scary especially when you are surrounded by thousands of boats who are leaving at the exact same time, in the dark, during a storm. We made it back to the condo without any harm, though just before the storm worsened!
Just as I was leaving the lake early Sunday morning, I saw a family of ducks, all lined up in a row, headed down the lake. I went to get my camera to take a picture, when I came back they were gone, but I found a couple of ducks swimming in the pool at the condo!
Wow that ball thing looks really fun!